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Gianmarco Bondi
Apr 11, 20234 min read
Difference in legal interests and double criminality under the EAW
Court of Justice of the European Union, judgement of the 14th of July 2022, Procureur général près la cour d’appel d’Angers , C‑168/21,...

Giulia Borgna
Oct 8, 20213 min read
La Cassazione si pronuncia sul modello di ibrido di estradizione post-Brexit
Cass., Sez. Fer., sentenza n. 34466 del 24.08.2021 (dep. 16.09.2021), ric. Damian L’Accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione...

Matteo Zamboni
Jan 21, 20204 min read
Conviction in absentia and European Arrest Warrant – A recurring issue
The possibility to issue a criminal conviction and sentence in the absence of the accused person is not foreseen in every EU legal system...

Matteo Zamboni
Sep 4, 20197 min read
Romeo Castaño c. Belgio: l'obbligo di collaborare nella procedura MAE ai sensi della CEDU
Con sentenza del 9 luglio 2019 nel caso Romeo Castaño c. Belgio, che ho già commentato per EJIL Talk, la Corte europea dei diritti...

Alessia Matonti
Jul 17, 20193 min read
Uk refuses EAW for infanticide: best interest of the child v flagrant denial of justice
With a judgment of 4 July 2019, the District Judge Tempia in the Westminster Magistrates’ Court discharged M from an Italian European...

Giulia Borgna
Jun 30, 20193 min read
Niente indulto senza il consenso dello Stato di emissione del MAE. Prossimo un rinvio pregiudiziale?
Con sentenza n. 27359/19 del 14 giugno 2019, depositata il 19 giugno 2019, la Cassazione ha chiarito che il riconoscimento a fini...

Giulia Borgna
Jun 13, 20192 min read
Then what's the difference with Germany? The ECJ judgment on the “dizygotic twin” of Lithuania
On 27 May 2019, the European Court of Justice issued its ruling in cases C-509/18 and joined cases C-508/18 and C-82/19 PPU on...

Matteo Zamboni
Jun 6, 20194 min read
The appropriate occasion has now arisen: CJEU on the meaning of "issuing judicial authority"
With a judgment of 27 May 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union, in its Grand Chamber composition, held that ‘[t]he concept of...

Giulia Borgna
May 28, 20193 min read
EAW issued for investigation? Italian Supreme Court reinforces the “no questions asked" approach
A Portuguese spy gone rogue selling NATO and EU secrets to his Russian-handler all over Europe. It seemed like the perfect spy novel....

Matteo Zamboni
May 20, 20194 min read
We know that we know nothing, but it doesn't matter: the European Arrest Warrant after Brexit
The doubts surrounding Brexit did not spare the system of surrender established with the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on...

Giulia Borgna
May 17, 20193 min read
CJEU loosens mandatory nature of the information listed in Article 8 EAW FD
The CJEU loosens the mandatory nature of the information listed in Article 8 of the 2002 Framework Decision: no refusal of surrender if...

Giulia Borgna
Apr 17, 20192 min read
Sentenza favorevole all'estradizione e misura custodiale: nessun automatismo
La decisione favorevole all’estradizione per l’estero non determina l’automatica applicazione di misure restrittive della libertà...

Giulia Borgna
Apr 15, 20192 min read
Rifiuto della consegna solo se è già pendente in Italia un procedimento (art. 18, lett. p)
In questo senso si è espressa la Corte di Cassazione, Sez. VI Penale, con sentenza n. 15866 del 4 aprile 2018, depositata il 10 aprile...
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